Going to MicroConf 🎰

This update is going to be a short one. Most of what I’ve been up to isn’t really visible from the outside - mainly talking to users, fixing bugs, administrative work and so on. All the not-so-glamorous parts of building a software business.

This weekend I’m flying from Copenhagen to Vegas to attend my first MicroConf (growth). I’m super pumped about going, except for the 13 hours of flying… If you are attending too, please say hi on Twitter! After MicroConf I’ll be in the States for about 6-7 weeks in: New York, The Berkshires (MA), Cleveland (OH) and Tucson (AZ). I’d love to meet other developers and makers along my way if I happen to cross your path.

What did the Maker do #

Primarily 3 things: improve the on-boarding flow, fix bugs and frantically add new features to try to get a user from 0 to 1. The app is still in it’s early days, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where the first user is truly successful with Branch and using it on a daily basis. Almost there!

What did the Manager do #

I’ve had a ton of administrative stuff to do in the past few weeks (and months) with setting up a new company for Branch. Besides that I’ve mostly been talking to users to understand how to get them to the next stage. I only have a very few people that’s really given Branch a chance, so I’m trying to understand how I can lower the barrier and make it a lower commitment for people to try out the tool.

My goal is to have 5-10 people that are super successful with the app and use it daily before I try to scale up and start spending more time on marketing and sales etc.

Over and out đź“ž


Now read this

Minimum viable mind blowing

A few months ago, I wrote about how I need to “blow people’s minds” with Branch. My thesis was that adding “predefined steps” or templates would be the killer feature for Branch. The barrier of entry for many of the other CI/CD tools is... Continue →